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Self Reflections - Need for Value Education (UHV)

Key Proposals discussed


  • Basic aspiration of a human being is happiness and prosperity- its continuity 

  • To fulfill basic aspiration, Right Understanding, Relationships and Physical facilities are required. 

  • Transformation is Development of human consciousness from a level where only physical facility is everything to a level where all three (Right Understanding, Relationships and Physical Facilities) are essential

  • Right Understanding only will lead to continuous happiness and prosperity. 


Activity - 1 

Prepare a detailed list of wants, desires and wishes that you have. Make it as elaborate as possible even if it runs into multiple pages.

Try to write at least two pages. For each desire try to identify what “basic desire” or “need” it is fulfilling. 

Keep it with you. In the next class we will use this list to discuss few important concepts.


Activity - 2

Do a critical evaluation of your priority, time, effort, energy allocated for: 

Physical facilities - Relationships - Right understanding. 


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