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Self Reflections - Love and Justice in Relationships

Activity - 1 (Affection to Love)


  • Verify on the basis of your natural acceptance if you  want to be related to:

    • None - The feeling of being related to none – (Opposition to all)

    • One - The feeling of being related to one (Affection towards one)

    • Many - The feeling of being related to many (Affection towards many)

    • Everyone - The feeling of being related to all (Love - Ananyatha)

  • Verify if I want to be related to only limited set of people around me or everyone and every unit in nature also?

  • What do we mean by justice? Is it only about making one party (victim) win the other (culprit) by way of punishment, rules, etc? Or is to make every party/person happy with right understanding?

  • Where do we start ensuring justice (mutual harmony with right feelings)? In family first or in Soceity?

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