Self Reflections - Love and Justice in Relationships
Activity - 1 (Affection to Love)
Verify on the basis of your natural acceptance if you want to be related to:
None - The feeling of being related to none – (Opposition to all)
One - The feeling of being related to one (Affection towards one)
Many - The feeling of being related to many (Affection towards many)
Everyone - The feeling of being related to all (Love - Ananyatha)
Verify if I want to be related to only limited set of people around me or everyone and every unit in nature also?
What do we mean by justice? Is it only about making one party (victim) win the other (culprit) by way of punishment, rules, etc? Or is to make every party/person happy with right understanding?
Where do we start ensuring justice (mutual harmony with right feelings)? In family first or in Soceity?